Aboriginal Coaching Modules (ACM)

To educate Indigenous people about the value of and to encourage their participation in the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), the ASC embarked on a multi-year consultative process to develop training material for Indigenous coaches.

The result of this process was the launch of the Aboriginal Coaching Modules (ACM) in 2003. The ACM responded directly to the identified need for a national coach training curriculum that reflects the uniqueness of Indigenous culture, values and lifestyles. Originally designed for coaches of First Nation, Métis and Inuit heritage, the program has been expanded to include non-Indigenous coaches working within Indigenous communities and with Indigenous people.

Designed to complement the NCCP certification process, the ACM is a professional development training tool for all coaches who coach Indigenous athletes. Learn more here about the general and long term objectives. ACP Learning and Long Term Objectives

The ACM is comprised of three learning modules:

*Typically these modules are completed in a 1 day (8 hour) workshop but can be provided separately upon request.

Module 1: Holistic Approach to Coaching
Module 2: Dealing with Racism in Sport
Module 3: Individual and Community Health and Wellness

Aboriginal Coaching Modules 1: Holistic Approach to Coaching

Type: In-Class Workshop
Duration: 3 hours

This module encompasses topics such as:

• Creating a positive coaching environment
• The Medicine Wheel: a holistic approach to coaching that embraces the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, cultural and spiritual.
• The Four Pillars value system.
• How to create constructive coach-to-community relationships. 

Aboriginal Coaching Module 2: Dealing with Racism In Sport

Type: In-Class Workshop
Duration: 2 hours

This module addresses issues of racism in sport including:

• Defining racism; a lexicon for use in the discussion of racism.
• Risk monitoring, assessment analysis and mitigation.
• Situational learning and application.

Aboriginal Coaching Module 3: Individual and Community Health and Wellness

Type: In-Class Workshop
Duration: 2 hours

This module focuses on the unique lifestyle, health situations and challenges that Indigenous people may face. Topics include:

• Understanding the community where you coach.
• Mental health and sport.
• Personal and community health practices.
• Diet and nutrition.
• Health conditions and diseases.
• Influencing change.


If you are interested in taking the Aboriginal Coaching Modules or host a workshop for your organization, please contact the representative from your province or territory below:

Province/Territory Organization Name Contact Information


Indigenous Sport Council of Alberta

Kyra Buchan

British Columbia

Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council

Michelle Webster


Manitoba Aboriginal Sports & Recreation Council

Cadin Dupasquier

New Brunswick

Coach New Brunswick

Cherie Campbell

Newfoundland & Labrador

Aboriginal Sport & Recreation Circle of Newfoundland and Labrador

Mike Alexander

Northwest Territories

Aboriginal Sport Circle of the Northwest Territories

Lori Rutherford

Nova Scotia

Mi'Kmaw Sport Council of Nova Scotia

Ayden Pierro


Sport and Recreation Nunavut

Jeff Seeteenak


Indigenous Sport Wellness Ontario

Blue Hill

Prince Edward Island

PEI Aboriginal Sport Circle

Lynne Ann Hogan


First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission

Colette Bilodeau


Sask Sport

Randi Keshane


Yukon Aboriginal Sport Circle

Gael Marchand

Unite Interactive